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Welcome to Memorial Baptist Church in Pulaski, Virginia! We are a Southern Baptist church, in a southern setting where the strains of bluegrass music, the aroma of pulled pork barbecue and the gobbling sound of the Virginia Tech ‘Hokie Bird’ are familiar to locals. Our summers are warm, the winters are cold, but the spring and fall seasons are breathtakingly beautiful. Truly, we are blessed to serve God in such a spectacular setting.


We see our church not as a building of brick and mortar but people living in relationship with each other.  We believe that all humanity is broken in four areas of relationships.  We are broken in how we relate to God, ourselves, others, and the rest of creation.  Until we learn how to fix these relationships we will continue to live in brokenness.


Our mission is to learn how to build relationships that heal.  We do this by learning how God sees us, how we should see ourselves, how we should relate to others, and how we should become good stewards of God's creation.


At the core of Memorial Baptist church is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We believe that it is the gospel that has the power to change lives.  We believe that the gospel is simply that Jesus is the Son of God, virgin born, lived a sinless life, went to the cross to pay the penalty for sin for those who accept it, rose from the dead bodily after three days, ascended into heaven, and will return at an unknown time in the future.

Woman with Bible


We believe in one God expressed in three distinct persons known as the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His sinless life, His sacrifice on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, His bodily resurrection after three days, His ascension into heaven, and future return.


We believe the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, wholly inspired Word of God and it is our authority for living as God intended.


We believe that faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross is the only way to salvation.

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